This platform is run within the project T&D Stories – Theatre and Digital Storytelling for Teaching and Training Development.

We want to support adult educators by developing teaching/training programmes and pedagogical materials especially (but not only) for certain groups of adults:

– underprivileged communities,
– people with disabilities,
– migrants.

The first group – in our case – young, disadventaged adults, who often, for economical or sociological reasons had to leave their educational paths, and still remain in initial conditions.

Second group – deaf people, due to lack of oral communication with the (hearing) others, they preferably shut themselves in clubs and associations solely for the deaf, thus maintaining their own identity and culture but at the same time deepening isolation and increasing the distance from the mainstream of life.

Third group – migrants, due to many cultural differences very often (if not always) are in a danger to be treated much more below their value as potential community members. They cannot express their skills and potential in the new society, they cannot enter it in a full, normal way, so they remain in a bad position in all social relationships – from contacts with neighbours to a place in a job market. This applies migrants entering new countries and societies but also those who come back to their homelands after long emigration and have to enter old/new society sometimes almost from the beginning.

People belonging to these groups have at least one common need in order to gain or maintain a chance to be fully-fledged part of society – an opportunity for successful communication of their real situation with everyday obstacles, cultural misunderstandings, fears and other problems. Unfortunately, in most of their cases verbal communication is something what rather causes more problems in interactions than helps

Therefore, we propose them tools of communisation focused mainly on non-linguistic skills – theatre and digital storytelling. We believe, that expression through images, gestures, sounds, where words are only small part of a message is a great solution to help them present themselves and also to help them understand surrounding world.

Theatre is from the beginning of our civilisation a way to present and communicate most important human values. When we think of ancient Greek tragedy and remember Antigone or Oedipus’ fate, we see, how powerful is that way of showing most important things. We can say that digital storytelling is a way to continue this tradition of communication using artistic means of expression.

To provide complex support for these groups of final beneficiaries we decided to develop educational tools for adult educators, in particular teaching, training or working with people representing groups at risk of social exclusion, which are:

– [media-downloader media_id=”2132″ texts=”handbook”] with description of digital storytelling and theatre storytelling as tools for education and all 3 groups of beneficiaries with their situation and pedagogical needs; containing examples of best practices on theatre and digital storytelling, trainers reflections and summary,

– independent pedagogical resources:

  • learning paths – ready to use pedagogical scenarios on digital and theatre storytelling as tools in adult education
  • exemplary digital stories of teachers/trainers and beneficiaries,
  • movies on exemplary theatre techniques used in adult education,

online platform containing all the materials, and experience sharing area for teachers, trainers and representatives of supported groups of beneficiaries.
